Saturday, July 16, 2011

Linknami Blog

Are you blogging for fun? Are you trying to make a dollar or two? Let's face it; people like to blog  because,they want to make money. True, it is nice to release some of their thoughts to people who actually want to read them, but most of us are broke. Due to this, I was trying to find a few different sources to help me better my blog. Linknami blog has been answering all of my questions. Plus, they have a great system where you are able to look up articles pertaining to your blog post to help you in your quest of blog stardom! My favorite part was that they offer custom Banner Ads off of your blog. This is key because rather than you searching for advertisers Linknami does the work for you! I haven't been blogging for very long, but just reading their blog gave me a large number of idea's for my own blog. I highly recommend checking this site out for information and if you are trying to make some $$$. Which who isn't in this economy? Best part is....who can register for free!



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