My name is
I am turning 22 on September 2. My daughter is turning 2 at the end of August. My husband is 22 and our 2 year anniversary will be this year on October 22nd.
This is a very big year for us. I am in one of the most stressful yet fulfilling times that I will have during the course of my life. I live in Rohnert Park, but Santa Rosa was my hometown until I was 15. Rohnert Park is a quite place to live in, but occasionally dull. The season is nice right now because I'm able to take my daughter to pick blackberries and apples! 
As far as Education, my main goal is to get a Master's in Marketing. Specifically at the Standard Graduate School of Business. 
SG school is my number 1 choice. I have such a passion for marketing. I wasn't aware how much potential and strive I had for marketing until last semester. I decided on a whim to not attend an enrolled class and instead crash the marketing course. I ended up loving the material and realized that this was the area of business that interested me the most. I love the idea of molding your words and products in a way that will appeal to someone. The main reason I am interested in getting into marketing is so that I can help small businesses improve. I would like to be a Ninja marketer that will swiftly take down the corporate world by helping small businesses succeed!
I am working four days a week at Petaluma Coffee Company.
We are a wholesale coffee and tea company. We roast all of our own coffee in small batches making the freshness and taste incomparable. The only downside to working here is that I don't own a car so I have to take the bus which takes about 2 hours of my time if I do a round trip. Other than that the environment is very laid back. If you make coffee at home I would love to bring you a sample sometime.
Why am I in Accounting? I ask myself that sometimes too because I really don't need it for my major. I am stubborn when it comes to what I learn. I have this strange outlook that I will choose what it best for me as far as what will be useful to me in the future. Accounting just happens to be one of those things. I like looking at a balance sheet and knowing what an asset and liability is. I want to be a Marketer so therefore knowing the language of business will only give me an advantage. I look forward to doing well in this class. Occasionally I might seem to be dozing off, but that's only because I work four days a week, have a 2 year old and a husband. Plus, to top it all off I'm taking 19.5 units.
I'm pretty stubborn, but I am a confident girl and now that everything will work out eventually.
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