Miss Ivy
A Candy Magnet
Who doesn't already love a two year old in a costume?
Who doesn't love a two year old who can
introduce herself,
thank you
trick or treat
and Happy Halloween?
I know I do.
Which is why I came up with the idea of a candy magnet for my little Ivy. I figured why not come up with an idea that might make people susceptible to giving her MORE than the usual portion.
In conclusion, the most common response we received was....
"oh you have so much candy already...."
which was followed by (about 80%)
"here have as much as you'd like"
"you are SOOO cute"
Actually during one situation a lady said she was going to go cry after our daughter said
"My name is Ivy"
and we told the lady this was the first time she'd said this sentence.
Marketing can manipulate your mind to get you to buy stuff.
And get my girl more candy