My life seems to have been lethargic lately. It has been constantly going, but I feel like I have gotten nothing done. Although that is 100% false. I'm in the state of I have done nothing because everything is still uncompleted. Started, but not quite yet finished....
We moved from our first apartment back to renting a room. It was great having our first apartment. Although it came with lots of baggage. Having your own place is great until you realize that you're having to buy all kinds of utensils and gadgets you didn't realize you needed.
As she reaches for the can of corn...she realizes that their is NO CAN OPENER.
Having your own place is tough if you don't come prepared.We moved in with the notion that every thing was going to be great. Then after 6 month it seemed as if 40% of the items in our new apartment were useful while the rest sorta just took up room.
We had way too much stuff in our apartment. At least too much stuff if it meant moving an entire apartment into a 10by10 room. We had to get a storage. It was expensive to get a storage shed. I did some research and if you're looking for a cheap storage place in Rohnert Park choose Self Storage.
Pros: Affordable, buy one get 2months free, simple storage facility
Cons:They close at 6pm! Other than that unless you want some fancy airconditioned place try this place out :)
By the way if you do let me know because I could use the referrals! You get a bonus by referring someone!
Yeah great storage place to put some extra baggage away.
Speaking of baggage, I have my own that I'd like to get rid of. Mentally, that is. Moving into our room vs our old apartments has its perks.
1. Start Over
2. Less Rent
3. Close bus-stop (here anyways)
4. Bigger Kitchen (love that)
5. Yard
6. etc, etc
Robotchick Rant
But their is the one issue of: privacy. Not that privacy is some huge concept I should be looking forward to since I've moved twenty times throughout my childhood. It's the opposite for me. Generally I am not a "private" person. I've forced myself to just stay quiet and keep to myself much more than before. It's very frustrating. I'm holding things in because, although bad at it, I do try to stay astray from situations that will cause problems. Living with a new family is still so new to me. New smells, new habits, new food, new structure, and new lifestyles...well it's trickier than I thought.
Not bad, just tricky.
1. Start Over
2. Less Rent
3. Close bus-stop (here anyways)
4. Bigger Kitchen (love that)
5. Yard
6. etc, etc
We are all different and all have different goals.
Anyways, I just finished organizing our room. It really needs a dresser (that deserves a rant, but I'll spare you). We seem to manage fitting everything nicely. That made me happy this week :)
I wonder what the day will bring tomorrow? We will find out later. For now I'll go back to reading Breaking Dawn.
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