Thursday, November 25, 2010

The first of many

Shut Up Child! Teh Guvanahs Coming!

I bet you that poor child said nothing. and yet he's getting the punished! Poor, poor child.  If you're wondering where this fabulous drawing came from it was drawn by my amateur yet skilled brother OaH. Robotchick and OaH have been around for quite some time now. Always lurking in the shadows awaiting for our moment to yell out. 

Anyway...(I will ramble on occasion) That child is me and OaH is the dude on the left, the guy who just watches but can't say anything. I don't mind taking the blame for anything, I figure, why fight it? A little smack to the face never hurt anyone. Wrong. Over time I'll "release" some more interesting information I believe people should honestly hear. You will want to stayed tuned. 

As for OaH, I will be posting more of his awesome artwork.

It's worth following.


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