Monday, June 6, 2011

Taking the bus to work

I miss you camera 

The thing that sucks about not having a car is not being able to go places at the blink of an eye. 
I can't wait to have a car to call our own. Then I'll be able to make another Review with some pictures :(
Anywho I thought I'd catch all of you up on that manicure I got a little while ago. 
It still looks perfect, I promise when I get my camera back I will take a picture and it probably still will look perfect :)

In case you didn't read my review!

So today I didn't do a lot of walking. I took the Golden Gate Bus to work which was quick, but it does cost more than the Sonoma County transit bus. I've never had a "bad" experience on the GG. Except a lady did tell me to not talk on my cell phone. It was like 1pm .... not 1am.... but that's ok. I got off the phone and played my cell phone game. 

Golden gate logo TRADEMARKED
Golden Gate: Rohnert Park to Petaluma  

$3.65 Adult  $1.80 Student

Sonoma County: Rohnert Park to Petaluma 
$1.80 Adult  $1.55 Student

Both of them are pretty chill. I normally take the number 48 on the Sonoma County transit because it is Faster than the 44 (by a good 25minutes usually). There are less weird people on the 48 too. I'm not sure how to explain it ... But that's the way it goes. I take the 48 to work or to school. Taking the bus really is not so bad it's just a hassle when you have to walk 25minutes to get to the bus stop in the first place XD.
My legs kick ass though! That means I get a good 40minutes of fast paced walking each time I need to take bus as a roundtrip. Hell Yes! 
Here are some helpful tips if you take the bus

If you're going to take the bus you need
  • Change 
    • for yourself or if someone needs change it's always nice to have some extra! "Got change to break a $1" Karma always pays ya back.
  • Umbrella 
    • you never know knowadays even though its summer haha, I had to walk to work in the rain today lol
  • Book
    • Magazine works too :) 
  • A cellphone game
    • Tetris ftw
  • Ipod
    • music helps drown out weird conversations. 

So I guess I sorta reviewed the bus system hehe :)