Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to live Succesfully and HAPPY

Recently, life's overwhelming situations were getting to me. 
Anybody Else?
Money, babysitting, work, school, groceries, dirty dishes, you name it and it was stressing me out. I tried talking to people about it, but advice from people who are not in your exact situation can be tough to handle.
 For everyone, not just myself ;)

Luckily, I came across a wonderful motivator. Roy Savery. His blog had all varieties of useful tips for everyday life that didn't sound generic and "obvious." That wasn't even the best motivation. The motivation came from his E-book. Now I understand that people are skeptical about E-books because most of the time it's just a scam! Not this though, he deserves his $17.95 :) I'm glad I bought it, because the Successful Living Handbook made my stress level go down 10 fold.
It's not just a read, It's an experience
There are area's for you to jot down notes about  how you feel personally about the subject. For example, in the chapter take time to be healthy I was able to write down all the things I didn't like about my health. I've been through a fluctuating weight cycle which left my self esteem feeling down. Being able to write about how I felt without out having someones opinion there felt pretty good.
 Don't get me wrong people's opinions are great, but they are just that opinions.
Only you truly know yourself. 
There are survey's in every chapter to evaluate yourself. My favorite was the Health survey. Here it is so you can just read over it and think about each question. I bet you will start getting an answer that you might or might not want to hear as your reading it. The great thing about this handbook is that the answers you are looking for, are coming for you. They are not coming as an opinion from someone who might light a flame to your insecurities.

Health Survey

Step # 1 What is it I want?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Step # 2 What does reaching the goal mean to me?
Step # 3 What will it mean if I don’t reach this goal?
Step # 4 What obstacles will I need to overcome?
Step # 5
Extra skills and knowledge that I need to acquire
Step # 6 Other people who can help me
Step # 7 How will the goal be fulfilled?
Step # 8 Completion Date / /

There was also a chapter on Self Image. The first tip was

Make up and dress up. The way you look on the outside has a
lot to do with what is going on inside. Look your best and feel
your best
I avoided fixing myself up for so long simply because I decided I was too busy. Making that choice only left me depressed and feeling ugly. 
Learn from successful failures - people who have kept on

This was a great tip. I've heard the saying "learn from other people's mistakes" but this was a positive twist I didn't expect. I loved it. The book is written to give you confidence and optimism. Not to point out your obvious mistakes that you already feel horrible about.

It's never too late to change your perspective on yourself. It's feels so good to let go of unanswered questions that you don't need the answer to right away. And it feels even better to answer your own questions. Reading Roy Savery's Successful Living Handbook gave me a positive outlook on myself and my surroundings. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking to improve their success in their life!

Website for the Ebook is http://www.successfullivinghandbook.com/
Roy Savery's Blog is http://roysavery.com
Check it out!
 And remember....



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